How Luxury Escapes Appeals to the Lucrative Family Market

How Luxury Escapes Appeals to the Lucrative Family Market

Written by: Shylie Rimmer (Partner Content Producer Luxury Escapes)

It’s no news that Luxury Escapes has been shifting the way people travel since 2013, with 65% of our customers booking packages to countries that they were not planning on visiting. However, it’s the growing appeal to the lucrative family market that is surprising the properties we work with and adding to the growth of the company.

So how and why are properties appealing to the family market? What are parents really looking for out of a family holiday? We interviewed some of our most knowledgeable employees to get to the bottom of it.

What type of holidays do families look for?

It’s no surprise that families love a good ol’ flop and drop holiday and some much needed R&R. Emily Rayner, Head of Digital Content & Merchandising and mother of two, explains what she looks for when booking her yearly family holiday with Luxury Escapes. “Safe adventure, an experience outside of the everyday, value, inclusions that make everyone happy, transfers to and from the airport and a little bit of VIP treatment!” she says.

“It's no secret there are many people (like myself) who work at Luxury Escapes, have kids and completely understand the juggle between wanting to have some great holiday time with your children, but also some much needed R&R with your better half. That's why we balance the little luxuries for grown-ups while keeping kids’ fun in mind too,” explains Rayner.

Jason Fong, one of our Partnerships and Contracting Managers is no stranger to a family holiday. “Being a father of two kids, we look for a holiday that will keep the kids entertained such as kids club, water parks etc. and also interconnecting rooms or a suite so we all have extra space to chill out,” says Jason.

What areas of the world appeal to families?

With a huge part of his role focused on contracting properties in Bali, Fong states that “beach destinations with warm weather are extremely popular such as Bali, Thailand, Fiji, Hawaii.”

Though we’re starting to see an extremely diverse range of Luxury Escapes holidays appealing to the family market. Aaron Corbett, another Partnerships and Contracting Manager who has contracted properties in a range of countries worldwide is noticing this emerging trend. “Whether it’s a cruise out in the Mediterranean, a ski holiday in Switzerland or a cultural experience in Africa, more destinations are being considered for families,” he explains.

What different types of holidays are families taking?

“Destinations within an eight-hour journey like Bali, Fiji and Thailand have always been popular, however we’re seeing families are now travelling further and willing to have a different type of holiday experience… there is a strong trend to venture beyond roads well-trodden. Families are wanting to experience new encounters that they cannot replicate at home, this includes destinations with different wildlife, snow conditions, resort styles, culinary cuisine and city escapes,” says Corbett.

Fong adds that there may very well be another destination that has caught traction among families booking their yearly getaways. “USA is another popular destination with theme parks such as Disneyland and Disney World.”

What particular package inclusions appeal to families?

It’s not all about the destination when it comes to a family holiday. More often than not, it’s the fun perks and luxury additions that make all the difference.

“When Luxury Escapes offers a package with little extras like 'kids stay free with breakfast', a holiday suddenly becomes a helluva lot more doable,” explains Rayner.

It’s crucial that families know that they’ll get to spend brilliant bonding time together, without breaking the bank. “When free kids' club is thrown in and it coincides with cocktail hour where drinks and nibbles are part of the package for Mummy and Daddy, we're buying now and booking later and keeping our eyes peeled for cheap flights to follow,” she continues.

But there’s a little more to it. Corbett explains that sometimes the kids have just as high a standard as the parents do and on a family holiday, “it’s essential that the hotel or resort has the right facilities to be enjoyed after a day of exploring. This includes kids’ clubs, pools, children’s menus and entertainment tailored for all ages.”

How does Luxury Escapes tailor deals for the family market?

Luxury Escapes has happy customers. This year 500,000 travellers will enjoy their escape. So how is the family market kept satisfied as a primary group of travellers?

“Luxury Escapes takes all the hassle out of planning with perfect flop and drop holidays for families,” says Rayner. “That's why we balance the little luxuries for grown-ups while keeping kids’ fun in mind too.”

But it’s not just about the inclusions. Luxury Escapes visits partner hotels and negotiates directly to provide travellers with outstanding quality at an unbeatable value. Think: beer budgets with champagne taste.

“Luxury Escapes inspects every hotel and evaluates if the hotel is suitable for families or if a particular resort is skewed more toward the family market,” explains Fong.

What exactly is a property inspected for? “When selecting properties and putting together the perfect Luxury Escape, we look at room types and configurations that will accommodate different sized families. Location of the room is also important when putting together a family package – we look for rooms located near pools or facilities that will be frequented by the traveller. Having to walk long distances with kids in tow isn’t fun for anyone,” explains Aaron.

For more consumer travel trends, read What Influences a Consumer Most.

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