The Apurva Kempinski Bali supercharged its grand opening with Luxury Escapes by establishing base occupancy 12 months out and driving market exposure. Find out how you can too.
More than room night production we pride ourselves on the marketing exposure we offer to a select group of the world’s finest hotels. Watch the video to learn about the results of our successful partnerships in Australia so far.
With over five years' experience in positioning some of the world's best hotels, we’re sharing our five best practices to guarantee success when targeting this audience segment.
Luxury Escapes India recently surveyed 2,000 customers across the country, extracting valuable insights on who they are, how they behave and what influences them to book a holiday.
The latest research by Brand USA has revealed the true value of the sought-after Australian traveller, who stays an average of 22 days per USA trip - with 73% planning a return visit.
Watch Vice President Sales, Kyp Charalambous discuss the impact of a Luxury Escapes partnership over the years including increased ALOS, market exposure, and more.
Luxury Escapes' new Experiences offering allows hotels to include additional products for purchase, such as spa treatments, beverage packages, all-inclusive and more. Learn how your hotel can benefit.
The World's Best Holidays - in partnership with Singapore Airlines, Olympus & Mastercard - celebrates the launch of its fourth season with an average viewership of 400k.
The show is a premium asset in the Luxury Escapes marketing suite, showcasing 20 of our travel partners to millions of Australian viewers.
Research showed 52% of LE customers planned to engage in eco-friendly travel in 2019, so we created “The Conscious Collection”, a campaign dedicated to driving exposure for a selection of our sustainable partners.